The Belgian Freight
Forwarding Association

Polis Arex 21

Each forwarding company can take out liability insurance for all its activities.

The Arex 21 policy is a specialised and comprehensive liability insurance for the modern forwarding company, i.e. commission forwarder, commission carrier, carrier, handler, custodian, customs agent, ship's agent, etc.

This Arex 21 is typically flexible and customised in terms of coverage, capital and exemptions: you choose your own liability cover and determine the guaranteed capital and exemptions yourself.

As the insured party, the forwarder subscribes individually to the Arex 21 policy.

Taking out AREX insurance offers several advantages:

  • Years of experience and the pioneering role of Vanbreda Risk & Benefits with its own specialised claims department.
  • Vanbreda is market leader in this segment.
  • The AREX 21 is promoted by FORWARD Belgium.

The Arex 21 policy offers the opportunity to cover risks that are difficult to insure thanks to its extensive guarantees, and is therefore the best guarantee for the logistics company.

The Arex 21 policy is open to all forwarding companies, and similar or related activities.

The policy is distributed by the Vanbreda Risk & Benefits Insurance Office. These specialists will identify your insurance needs, provide advice and settle your claims.