The Belgian Freight
Forwarding Association


Members of FORWARD Belgium have the opportunity to sit on one of our committees and can thus help to shape the sector’s policy. This is the ideal way to contribute to a widely supported community point of view and to exchange experiences with colleagues.

Composition of the committees:

  • Chairman / Vice-chairman
  • FORWARD Belgium members (participation)
  • Members of Young FORWARD Belgium (throughput)

Purpose of the committees:

  • Meetings on a regular basis
  • Reporting to the governing body of FORWARD Belgium
  • Ad hoc meetings in case of need
We make a warm appeal to all members of FORWARD Belgium to join one or more of our committees.

If you are interested in joining or being kept informed of one or more committees, please contact the FORWARD Belgium Secretariat

Via the tabs hereafter, you can find a brief explanation of the various committees.

Breakbulk Committee

The Port of Antwerp is Europe's preferred port for shipping steel, project cargo, fruit, forest products and cars. Handling breakbulk requires a product-specific approach: no two shipments are identical. Within the breakbulk committee, topics of interest to service providers shipping various general cargo are discussed.

Topics discussed within the breakbulk committee:

  • Addressing the importance of breakbulk in the Port of Antwerp
  • ...
  • Training / promotion
  • Bulkchain – digital processes

Customs Committee

Customs is an essential element in the export, import and transit of goods and is therefore always high on the agenda at FORWARD Belgium. Within the customs committee, experiences are exchanged so that procedures can be adapted to reality and we help prepare the sector for the future.

Topics discussed within the customs committee:

  • Implementing digital projects MASP
  • Customs and fiscal representation contracts and templates
  • Suspicious situations reporting point
  • Penalty policy and sanction policy AAD&A
  • Customs control process - FASFC
  • Non-tax obligations: dual use, CBAM, EUDR, Forced labour...
  • Rollout of cooperation agreement FORWARD Belgium / compliance tool
  • ...

Digitalisation Committee

Digitalisation is having a significant impact on our industry. Within FORWARD Belgium, we try to closely follow the digital evolutions that relate to the practice of our profession and that can simplify the lives of freight forwarders and logistics service providers. Embracing digital developments can bring concrete added value to our sector.

Topics discussed within the digitalisation committee:

  • Follow-up & management of projects NxtPort - The Way Forward.
  • Cyber security awareness
  • Digital transformation and innovation / training
  • Customs simplifications
  • AI capabilities and working out use cases
  • Compliance tool
  • FORWARD APP e-contracts
  • ...

External Relations Committee

In the external relations committee, links are strengthened with various national, European and international sector-linked organisations including BITO, FEB, CLECAT, FIATA, ...

Topics discussed within the external relations committee:

  • Employers' Federation - PC 226 - collective bargaining negotiations
  • Follow-up discussed topics within CLECAT, FIATA, ...
  • … 

Human Resources Committee

Staff turnover in the logistics sector is high, many vacancies remain unanswered and people are not getting the work done. With the human resources committee, we wish to bring HR people together and allow them to exchange best practices with each other.

Topics discussed within the human resources committee:

  • Exchange best practices on labour market
  • Diversity & inclusion in the workplace
  • Recruitment policy
  • ...
  • Promoting the sector to young people

Intermodal Committee

For years, FORWARD Belgium has been advocating the promotion of intermodal solutions in the logistics chain. When setting up multimodal applications, we often still encounter various challenges. Through the intermodal committee, we help promote and fine-tune multimodal solutions. 

Topics discussed within the intermodal committee:

  • Sharing expertise on intermodal transport
  • ...
  • Organisation of information sessions and training courses
  • Digital solutions for intermodal transport

Legal Committee

The FORWARD Belgium legal committee focuses on legal developments within our sector.

Topics discussed within the committee legal:

  • Following up current case law / legal doctrine
  • Monitoring international developments
  • Discussing procedures and regulations
  • Customs Compliance tool
  • Claim prevention and treatment
  • Roll-out of FORWARD Belgium Legal QuickScan
  • In-house training
  • FORWARD e-contracts
  • Customs liability
  • Insurance
  • Cargo fuse
  • ...

Maritime Transport Committee

Within the maritime transport committee, maritime topics are discussed at local, national and international level. Optimising relations/procedures with shipping agents, terminals, transporters, etc. are also discussed in this committee, as well as European and international maritime topics discussed within CLECAT and FIATA.

Topics discussed within the maritime transport committee:

  • Demurrage / Detention
  • Digital developments and platforms
  • CTU Code Compliance & Awareness
  • ...
  • Best Practices shipping lines - forwarders

Sustainability Committee

Sustainable logistics is an absolute priority in the coming years. Logistics service providers have an important responsibility in the climate goals. But corporate social responsibility is also high on the agenda. To assist companies in this, the sustainability committee was created.

Topics discussed within the sustainability committee:

  • Reporting on sustainability and CO2
  • ..
  • Support to the sector / learning network
  • FORWARD SDG Label / sustainable development goals SDGs

Young FORWARD Belgium Committee

Young FORWARD Belgium is a committee that informs, involves and inspires young professionals in our sector. It offers young people the chance to make contacts and exchange experiences, allowing them to expand their professional network and knowledge.

Topics discussed within the Young FORWARD Belgium committee:

  • Organisation of various youth events & FORWARD Academy
  • Contacts with schools, Colleges and Universities.
  • Working in the port: what do young people think about it?